Hi all! Happy New Year!
In case you aren't a facebook 'fan' of the Creative String Players, here's an update from Christian:
Dear Creative String Players- I don't email you that often, but when someone says, "Billy Contreras", I stop what I'm doing and listen. Why? If you don't know than you need to get hip.
Billy and I recorded this followup album two years ago and it's taken two years to get around to finish mixing. Now it's here. Get Hip already! Click for a free song, but before you listen, set a pillow on the floor to stop your jaw from bruising.
And while you're at it, the Creative Strings Workshop dates are set for June 28-July 4. Billy, I, Jeremy Kittel, Mike Block and all the other party animals will be there. Here's the link for everything you need:
While you're at the blog feel free to take a look around.
take care!